uncover your authentic self

uncover your authentic self

Becoming Your Authentic Self Starts Here.

If you feel like you’ve lost your true self or are feeling stuck in life, self-discovery work can help you create clarity and build confidence to start living with passion again.

This workbook contains two of my most powerful introspective exercises. The first is a strengths discovery exercise that will allow you to better understand your innate character and begin to reflect on how to express the inner you in your daily life. The second is a personal inspirations reflection exercise that will allow you to uncover your own guiding path toward your higher self.

There is plenty of writing space in this workbook to allow you to express your authentic self and return and reflect down the line. The act of writing out your truths helps bring them out from your subconscious and into reality. Keeping these things inside as thoughts only, and never letting them out, prevents them from becoming truly real to you and your mind.

This workbook is a huge first step on your path to feeling better — so definitely print it out and get writing!

What’s Inside?

  • 26 pages designed to help you reconnect with your true self

  • Strengths discovery exercise

  • Personal inspirations exercise

  • Space for logging your meaningful discoveries

  • Guided reflection

It’s fillable - just download, open in a web browser, and get started. No printing necessary.

Fill in the form to get your free copy

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and lost - you’re in the right place.

For the longest time, I struggled with feeling disconnected from myself, living to please others, and continuously feeling unfulfilled. At my very foundation, I had no idea who I was on the inside or how to actually care for myself. I was so busy giving my energy away to others, that I eventually burned out. All of these things led me down a path of self-discovery, as I worked to uncover my authentic self and fill my own cup.

My journey of self-discovery led me to start coaching other women who struggle with the same things., so that you can reclaim your authentic self and create the life of your dreams.